Posts Tagged ‘#POTUS’

 It’s amazing how the basis for Americans’ unhappiness with the POTUS is his skin color. From what I’ve seen, people tend to blame this president for things that have been going on for more than 100 years! All presidents have been open to criticism, it comes with the job. However, Americans routinely spew vile hatred and racism as though this president is the worst thing that ever happened to this country. ALL US presidents have played politics (and all that it entails), used cronyism, badgered, lied, cheated, “bent” the rules and stacked the deck in their (and their backers) favors. Many have committed atrocities and outright ordered (or looked the other way while it was being committed) genocide. Starting with the first president, to the beloved so-called first Black POTUS (Bill Clinton). ALL of them have put American imperialism, colonialism, classism, and racism (which benefit a tiny minority of the population the most, and then trickles down according to color and then class) ahead of the interests of the masses of the people. ALL have been terrible neighbors and made America horrible “citizens of the world,” and then hypocritically cry out loud, “they hate us because of our freedom.” And the 85% sheep cry along with them, fueling ignorance and enabling murder and oppression all over the world. Perpetuating the very system they claim to know is not right or good, and which many will also claim to dislike…SMH.